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Submission Policies & Guidelines

The UBC Law Review invites the submission of articles and case comments, as well as recent legislation or law reform comments. We are interested in receiving articles that stimulate debate and encourage discussion on the current state of the law in Canada and abroad. Preference will be given to subjects relating to the law in British Columbia and Canada. Please note that we do not accept unsolicited book reviews.


All submissions must conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (10th Edition) and must include an abstract of not more than 250 words.

Most submissions accepted for publication in recent years have not exceeded the following word counts, inclusive of footnotes:

  • Articles: 20,000 words

  • Recent Case or Legislation Comments: 10,000 words


Please note that the UBC Law Review does not consider manuscripts that are simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere or those that have previously been published elsewhere. 


As a refereed journal, all submissions are subject to review and no submission is guaranteed publication, including those that have been revised and resubmitted. The Editors reserve the right to make such editorial changes in manuscripts as are necessary to ensure correctness of grammar and spelling, clarification of obscurities, and conformity to style.




Please e-mail an electronic and anonymized copy (in Microsoft Word format) of your manuscript to the following address:  (previously


For questions, please contact us.


We do not expect to be active in the months of April and December, so please be patient with us during these times. We will respond to any inquiries and correspondence as soon as possible.

Other Policies

Pile of Books

Special Issue Policy

The UBC Law Review Society publishes the UBC Law Review, one of Canada’s leading peer-reviewed legal journals. We typically publish three issues per volume of the Law Review annually.


In some years, we publish a special issue in collaboration with a Guest Editor on a specific topic or area of law.

The UBC Law Review Society welcomes special issue proposals on all topics that stimulate debate and encourage discussion on the current state of the law. We are particularly interested in topics relating to the law in Canada, and especially British Columbia.


For more information on our Special Issue Policy please send us an email at

Image by JJ Ying

SSRN Policy

The UBC Law Review encourages the rapid worldwide dissemination of the scholarly works accepted for publication in our journal. Mindful of the increasingly important role played by the Social Science Research Network (“SSRN”) we specifically encourage dissemination on SSRN for those authors who use the resource.


We request that all authors wishing to publish their work on SSRN observe the following guidelines:


Draft Accepted Papers

  1. Authors may post draft versions of their articles in whatever format they wish.

  2. Draft versions must be clearly marked as such and must be accompanied by a notice disclosing that the final version will be published in the UBC Law Review.


Final Published Papers

  1. Authors may post final versions of their articles, provided they are identical in all respects to the article as it appears in the print version of the UBC Law Review. We will, upon request, provide authors with an electronic file satisfying these criteria.

  2. Final versions must be accompanied by a citation to the UBC Law Review.

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Requesting Reprints

It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors assign copyright to the UBC Law Review. This ensures that requests from third parties for permission to reprint the article will be handled in an efficient and consistent manner.


Requests for reprinting should be addressed to the Law Review Office, Attn: Editor-in-Chief and should detail the following:

1. The name of the article to be reprinted
2. The volume and issue in which it appeared
3. The number of copies you wish to make
4. The purpose of the reprint

© 2025-2026 University of British Columbia Law Review Society

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