Volume 57, Issue 2
​Michelle Biddulph, "Myths, Stereotypes, and the Problem of Probative Value: Revisiting the Admissibility of Criminal Record Evidence" pp 295-346
Citation info: (2025) 57:2 UBC L Rev 295
​Charlotte Connolly & Charis Kamphuis, "The Two Faces of Canadian Diplomacy: A Case Study and a Legal Analysis" pp 347-434
Citation info: (2025) 57:2 UBC L Rev 347
Donald J Netolitzky, "The Long Unwind: British Columbia Court of Appeal Litigation Activity 1995-2022" pp 435-512
Citation info: (2025) 57:2 UBC L Rev 435
​Ghislain Otis, "Aboriginal Title Claims to Private Lands in Quebec" pp 513-564
Citation info: (2025) 57:2 UBC L Rev 513
Terry Skolnik, "Three Stages of Criminal Justice Remedies" pp 565-624
Citation info: (2025) 57:2 UBC L Rev 565
Jocelyn Stacey, Confronting Modern Disaster? British Columbia’s New Emergency and Disaster Management Act pp 615-650
Citation info: (2025) 57:2 UBC L Rev 615​​
Open Access
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UBC Law Review Society
Peter A. Allard School of Law
1822 East Mall, Room 370
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z1
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